Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The "Beautiful People Problem"

I may have wrote on this before but at any rate...

So today... Today Im watchin CNN with my sister and they did a lil blip about how some study was done by some college somewhere in the U.S. of A. that said that the happiest couples/marriages are those that are composed of an ugly/homely lookin man and a gorgeous woman. Now, when I heard this, it seemed to be more evidence to support a belief that I've had for about 7 years now; two beautiful people cant be together. I've had my share of arguments with friends of every shape size and color about this. They disagree with me, but Ive had a stance that two beautiful people cannot be together for quite a while now. And now CNN is co-signing with their "Ugly men make the best husbands" report.

A lot of my mentality came from watchin and over hearing the issues that my mother's and sister's friends would talk to them about. They would call with some crazy sob story about how some sorry fella done sat back and done somethin ridiculous to them but they still love them and "get them out of their system". You know, that BS "so deep in this blind and blissful love" mentality they developed from listening to too much Babyface as a teenager. Sometimes I even got sucked in to talkin to them about their problems so they could get a "guy's perspective" on the situation. After looking at these girls and women, between the ages of 16 and 45, I noticed that they all had one of two very common denominators: either they were ugly and they didnt know it so they continued to strive for some guy who was out of their league and tried to play everyone else OR they were beautiful and didnt understand that, with the scarcity of good (100% straight) men in conjunction with the fact that 75% of single women on this earth will do almost ANYTHING to have one of those, they just might wanna deal with the guy who genuinely loves them instead of trying to hold on to this dream guy that they've been searching for for the last 15 years since they divorced their last husband.

QUESTION: Do you know any "Popular Jock/Cheerleader" couples that survived after highschool?!? Cause I dont. They dont survive. (Especially if the fella didnt go to the pros...)

The problem comes along with the term "Superficiality". You see, Im a good lookin guy. So I know there's this mentality deep down inside of every good lookin person that says "this girl/guy better not mess up, cause if they do, I promise Im finna upgrade the first opportunity I get!" And thats how it goes. And endless cycle of someone waiting on the other party to mess up cause they werent ever happy to begin with. There's also fact that a woman trying a good looking man who aint gone cheat these days is like trying to find a prostitute without aids in Swaziland, Africa.

I know this lady; She's got to be a good 47 - 48 years old now. She got this guy who likes her and this fella is a straight square, but he tries so hard to impress her. I mean, this guy worships the ground she walks on and she lets him try but continues to shoot him down. Now, the sad part is that he didnt learn what I learned so long ago - beautiful people who havent learned how to deal with the "Beautiful People Problem" will never be with someone society deems as normal. Its nothing he did, its just the facts. As long as she feels like she deserves Male #1, anything less than Male #1 is settling and a person of her caliber cant be with just anybody. The situation is further complicated because Male #1 dont wanna settle down cause he wants to be 100% sure he got all his escapades outta his system before he gets locked into some mess. She cant understand why Male #1 wont settle down, even though she's doing everything he ask and everything she possibly can to please him. And her woes wont end until she realizes that Male #2 is trying just as hard for her as she is for Male #1, stops looking at his flaws and starts looking at the fact that she finally has somebody in her life who aint gone put her second. She aint figured that out yet, so shes gonna be single for a while. She is the middle piece holding together the "Beautiful People Problem".

Disclaimer: This may only apply to large cities where the number of good looking men is much smaller in proportion to beautiful women AND ugly people with a "false self-image" (read: dont know theyre ugly) and beautiful people with low self-esteem can throw a monkey wrench into the equation...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

This changed my life...

Watch this first...


Its stupid... I know... but the message at the end made me think.... "See how easy it is to miss what you're not looking for?!?" Forget the video and think about the other stuff in life that you want. Sometimes you can be striving so hard for the wrong thing, or just be completely distracted by a lot of "extra-curricular activities" in your life, that you can completely miss out on what you are supposed to have; It can pass right on by and you wont even notice it... Crazy...