Im tired of saying "Maybe Im wrong", so this time Im just gone say Im very sceptical of everything Ive ever learned in my history classes at school. Came accross this article on yahoo and theyre talkin about this map of the americas that was drawn a several years before anybody had traveled around the backside of the countries to even know that there was a pacific ocean. Now I have three (3) different theories as to how this could have happened, either the fella had a divine revelation from God (which I believe is very much possible), the dating of the map is wrong, or there was a political power move that that erased the truth form the history books. Or maybe its a combination of the above. The thing that gets me is how this same guy proceeds to deliver a new "revised" map a few years later with the name of america changed to somethin else AND with a much less detailed mass of land. They used the term "rolled back" on the article. I think I like the term "covered up" a little bit better.
All of this reminds me of the time I was watching Cornell West, Mos Def and Bill Maher talk. Mos Def proceeds to say during the interview "I dont believe we've ever been to the moon". And I started to think, "wait a second... over the course of my short life Ive seen a piece of that clip maybe, I dont know, three times. And all I remember is seeing this guy in a white 'space suit' walk real slow over somethin that that looks like the top of Stone Mountain?!? (above photo) Hmmm..." This "floating inside space ship" stuff can be simulated in theme park rides now. I dont know... Makes me wonder.... And for those of you who are gonna hit me with the "You just know starting to question the media?!?" comment, the answer is no. I havent just started questioning the media. Let the media tell it, nobody knew Katrina was gonna happen, the only thing white people die from is cancer and plane crashes, everybody who doesnt pass for either white or black is an illegal mexican, everybody who is not white is mentally inferior through genetics, racism doesnt exist, the justice system isn't racially biased, the government had nothing to do with drugs getting into the US, 911 wasn't orchestrated by the government, and the life expectancy of an african american male is about negative 3 days. Ive been sceptical of the media for quite a while. The two most reliable sources of information on tv are ESPN and Cartoon Network. Those two stations give you exactly what they advertise and those are the only two stations I watch other than to see a basketball or football game thats on another network. Mind control is what its all about. Unless you are a middle aged, over 6 foot, physically fit, suit wearing, white male, making over $250,000, with a white - stay at home - wife who knows how to cook up a 54 course meal and has the credentials to be a 6 star chef and was a virgin until honeymoon night, no illegitimate kids, enough money in your bank account to buy a small island off the cost of somewhere in south america - something is wrong with you.
In conclusion...
They say its 3 sides to every story: their side, your side and the truth. This is seemingly becoming more and more evident everyday. Seem like the only history you can trust is the one that God has built for you. Outside of that, you can pretty much guarantee that whoever is tellin the story has modified it in some form or fashion for their benefit. How this guy gone draw an accurate map of the americas and then go back and act like it never existed?!? Crazy...